Cinco de Mayo Denver Style!
by Sombeero Staff on 01/08/14
A Cinco de Mayo to Remember
2013 was the year of the Sombeero. The Sombeero made it’s first appearance at the Cinco de Mayo celebration in downtown Denver with great reviews. The Sombeero is a Zapata style sombrero with a clever way to hold drinks in a hands free manner. Fun, stylish, and functional, the North Denver Tribune called it the runaway street fair hit of the weekend. What a great weekend and year for the Sombeero. We can’t wait for Cinco de Mayo to role around again this year, things should be bigger and better all the way around. With the first success and sales of the Sombeero coming last year on May 5th let’s take a look back and uncover the truth about the Cinco de Mayo Holiday.
Each and every year millions of people of all backgrounds take part in a cultural celebration that most couldn’t tell you the first thing about. Yes we are talking about the Mexican Celebration of Cinco de Mayo. According to most people May 5th is considered Mexico’s independence day, a party filled with nacho chips and margaritas but to those who know the real reason for the excitement this day holds a higher meaning. The truth behind the confusion is that it is not Mexico’s independence day which actually falls on September 16th , but rather a celebration of an unexpected victory for the Mexican Army over the French at the Battle of Puebla in 1862. The large scale parties thrown for Cinco de Mayo that we are accustomed to here in the United States differs greatly from the small scale gatherings that go on in Mexico. The main reason attributed to this difference is that Mexican – Americans have latched on to this date as a cultural way to celebrate the cause of freedom and democracy. No matter what your reasons for celebrating Cinco De Mayo this year we look forward to seeing you out and about and hopefully you will be wearing your Sombeero, as always remember please be safe and always use your head when you drink!
Happy Cinco de Mayo!